Charter Service

Our buses are currently fitted with equipment that enable us to monitor live readings of the vehicle odometer and speed, and some of our buses have live video streaming of both the interior and exterior of our buses. Our Global Positioning System (GPS) data help track …

Staff Transport

From airport transfer for a small group, to transporting thousands of employees to a conference. We can ferry your group to and from hotels, conventions, workplaces and more. Meet and greet, and other passenger organisation services are also available.

School Bus Services

We provide bus chartering services to preschools, primary schools, secondary schools and tertiary schools. Our city buses are ideal for transporting large groups at low costs without compromising on safety.

Inbound & Outbound Bus Services

Airport transfer services are available no matter what is your group size. Arrive in style and on time with our amazing service, and in comfort of our buses. We know that customer service and flexibility is the key to having happy customers and that’s why we are committed in helping you.

Poh Lee Transport Service Pte Ltd

Poh Lee Transport is a Singapore-based bus chartering and transport services Company that have been catering safe and reliable transport services to our clients for over 40 years. We started from a humble beginning with 2 buses to a fleet of 150 air-conditioned buses with 200 employees. And throughout that time, we are proud to showcase our unblemished safety record.

Our unbroken safety record is because we take the safety of our clients, their family members, staff and guests very seriously. That’s why we continue to invest heavily, not only in the safety and maintenance of our fleet, but also in training of our drivers and maintenance staff.

Our core business is in private bus hire, bus rentals, and bus chartering.